Released in 2009, aroma variety Delta is a Fuggle-type hop, similar to a Willamette, but with a kick. It features a mild and pleasantly spicy aroma of with notes of melon and citrus. Delta is considered ideal for ale finishing.
Hopsteiner first offered Delta to Boston's Harpoon Brewery as a cross between an English-style Fuggle and a Cascade derived male. Harpoon brewed it into an English-style single hop ESB. Delta has a much more emphatic flavor than its Fuggle parent - a truly American punch.
Alpha Acids:
Pellet Hops - 6.4%
Beta Acids: 5.5-7.0%
Total Oil: 0.5-1.1 mL/100g
Myrcene: 25-40% of total oil
Humulene: 25-35% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 9-15% of total oil
Farnesene: 0-1% of total oil
Spicy with notes of melon and citrus
Possible Substitutions
Nelson Sauvin
Typical Beer Styles American Pale Ale
American India Pale Ale